Saturday, April 07, 2007

bunny lovers

The Yoko Casionos -07

hear they go again, these guys put it down,check it.
Now make your way to
and go see their rad new video for "loose cannon", go

These pix from their jack daniels photo shoot/free show@ richards on richards the other nite.


Hope thats how you spell it,
they cart this lovely lady lump around the hood in a red wagon,very cute.

see ya round see me round

DO nOT HotknifE birthcontRol,,, seriously don't, we're kidding that's stupid.

Places,faces,traces -07

Bif says...well, the card says.........okay the card may not say that exactly......................yes we like cats, but it's not about that..whatever


Thing is was, we moved out of our plush orffice downtown and wanted to get back to our roots real good like so..

We found this bad boy at the corner of nelson and jervis ,
there ain't no view but there's lots of space(DY)
no neighbors=pounding tunage night n day.

shit all for laundry but check that parking spot,
we had to finnagle our way back to the internet's so we've been down awhile,
tunneling etc.

you know..

Also a thank you to all for your awesome input lately,
alot of compliments we honestly cherish.

Our first official submmision!!!!
this will come very shortly...within days, stay tuned,...

we think it's a gooder.

Anywhat... we do pologize for delays and look forward to meeting and surpassing all you BlackLettuce needs in the nearer future.

lets go fa coffee? (tm)